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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dotnet(.Net) Crypto(RC2)

RC2 is a variable key-size block cipher designed by Ronald Rivest for RSA Data Security (now RSA Security). "RC" stands for "Ron's Code" or "Rivest's Cipher.

Read more on CR2

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* Enjoy!!
* */
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

namespace Security
class GCript
byte[] gKey;
byte[] gIV;
byte[] gCypher;
string gData;
RC2CryptoServiceProvider gRC2;

public GCript()
gRC2 = new RC2CryptoServiceProvider();
gKey = gRC2.Key;
gIV = gRC2.IV;
public string GEnCript(string data)

ICryptoTransform gICTP = gRC2.CreateEncryptor(this.gKey, this.gIV);
MemoryStream gMS = new MemoryStream();
CryptoStream gCS = new CryptoStream(gMS, gICTP,CryptoStreamMode.Write);

byte[] gFormat = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(gData);
gCS.Write(gFormat, 0, gFormat.Length);
gCypher = gMS.ToArray();

return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(gMS.ToArray());

public string GDeCript()
ICryptoTransform gDCTP = gRC2.CreateDecryptor(this.gKey, this.gIV);
MemoryStream? gMS = new MemoryStream(gCypher);
CryptoStream? gCS = new CryptoStream(gMS, gDCTP, CryptoStreamMode?.Read);

byte[] gDC = new bytegCypher.Length;
gCS.Read(gDC, 0, gCypher.Length);

return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(gDC);



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