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Friday, May 16, 2008

Adding Meta Tag Dynamically on your Web page

Web programmers are familier with the use of Meta Tags on a web page. The meta tags are used to provides keywords, Title, description etc in an HTML page which describes the website to search engines. ASP.NET 2.0, you can add these meta tags programmatically. The HtmlMeta class provides programmatic access to the HTML <meta> element on the server. The HTML <meta> element is a container for data about the rendered page, but not page content itself.

The Name property of HtmlMeta provides the property name and the Content property is used to specify the property value. The Scheme property to specify additional information to user agents on how to interpret the metadata property and the HttpEquiv property in place of the Name property when the resulting metadata property will be retrieved using HTTP.

The code below shows how to add meta tags to a page programmatically.

HtmlMeta hm= new HtmlMeta();
HtmlHead head=(HtmlHead)Page.Header;
hm.Content="your Keywords content";

Similarly, you can add Description, Title , Abstract etc meta tags to the web page header.


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