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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

.NET class to create and maintain vCalendar information

I have been porting the calendar portion of my site to ASP.NET and came to the exporting of event information to a vCalendar file that can be imported into Outlook or other calendar apps that support the vCalendar/iCalendar format. So I created a class to wrap all of the formatting of information.

Public Class vCalendar
Public Events As vEvents
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Dim result As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
result.AppendFormat("BEGIN:VCALENDAR{0}", _ System.Environment.NewLine)
'The following two lines seem to be required by 'Outlook to get the alarm settings
result.AppendFormat("VERSION:2.0{0}", System.Environment.NewLine)
result.AppendFormat("METHOD:PUBLISH{0}", _ System.Environment.NewLine)
Dim item As vEvent
For Each item In Events
result.AppendFormat("END:VCALENDAR{0}", _ System.Environment.NewLine)
Return result.ToString
End Function
Public Sub New(ByVal Value As vEvent)
Me.Events = New vEvents()
End Sub
Public Sub New()
Me.Events = New vEvents()
End Sub
Public Class vAlarm
Public Trigger As TimeSpan 'Amount of time before event to display alarm
Public Action As String 'Action to take to notify user of alarm
Public Description As String 'Description of the alarm
Public Sub New()
Trigger = TimeSpan.FromDays(1)
Action = "DISPLAY"
Description = "Reminder"
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal SetTrigger As TimeSpan)
Trigger = SetTrigger
Action = "DISPLAY"
Description = "Reminder"
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal SetTrigger As TimeSpan, _ ByVal SetAction As String, ByVal SetDescription As String)
Trigger = SetTrigger
Action = SetAction
Description = SetDescription
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Dim result As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
result.AppendFormat("BEGIN:VALARM{0}", _ System.Environment.NewLine)
result.AppendFormat("TRIGGER:P{0}DT{1}H{2}M{3}", _ Trigger.Days, Trigger.Hours, Trigger.Minutes, _ System.Environment.NewLine)
result.AppendFormat("ACTION:{0}{1}", Action, _ System.Environment.NewLine)
result.AppendFormat("DESCRIPTION:{0}{1}", _ Description, System.Environment.NewLine)
result.AppendFormat("END:VALARM{0}", _ System.Environment.NewLine)
Return result.ToString
End Function
End Class
Public Class vEvent
Public UID As String 'Unique identifier for the event
Public DTStart As Date 'Start date of event. 'Will be automatically converted to GMT
Public DTEnd As Date 'End date of event. 'Will be automatically converted to GMT
Public DTStamp As Date 'Timestamp. 'Will be automatically converted to GMT
Public Summary As String 'Summary/Subject of event
Public Organizer As String 'Can be mailto: url or just a name
Public Location As String
Public Description As String
Public URL As String
Public Alarms As vAlarms 'Alarms needed for this event
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Dim result As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
result.AppendFormat("BEGIN:VEVENT{0}", _ System.Environment.NewLine)
result.AppendFormat("UID:{0}{1}", UID, _ System.Environment.NewLine)
result.AppendFormat("SUMMARY:{0}{1}", _ Summary, System.Environment.NewLine)
result.AppendFormat("ORGANIZER:{0}{1}", Organizer, _ System.Environment.NewLine)
result.AppendFormat("LOCATION:{0}{1}", Location, _ System.Environment.NewLine)
result.AppendFormat("DTSTART:{0}{1}", _ DTStart.ToUniversalTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd\THHmmss\Z"), _ System.Environment.NewLine)
result.AppendFormat("DTEND:{0}{1}", _ DTEnd.ToUniversalTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd\THHmmss\Z"), _ System.Environment.NewLine)
result.AppendFormat("DTSTAMP:{0}{1}", _ Now.ToUniversalTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd\THHmmss\Z"), _ System.Environment.NewLine)
result.AppendFormat("DESCRIPTION:{0}{1}", Description, _ System.Environment.NewLine)
If URL.Length > 0 Then result.AppendFormat("URL:{0}{1}", _ URL, System.Environment.NewLine)
Dim item As vAlarm
For Each item In Alarms
result.AppendFormat("END:VEVENT{0}", _ System.Environment.NewLine)
Return result.ToString
End Function
Public Sub New()
Me.Alarms = New vAlarms()
End Sub
End Class
Public Class vAlarms
' The first thing to do when building a CollectionBase ' class is to inherit from System.Collections.CollectionBase
Inherits System.Collections.CollectionBase
Public Overloads Function Add(ByVal Value As vAlarm) As vAlarm
' After you inherit the CollectionBase class, you ' can access an intrinsic object
' called InnerList that represents your collection. ' InnerList is of type ArrayList.
Return Value
End Function
Public Overloads Function Item(ByVal Index As Integer) As vAlarm
' To retrieve an item from the InnerList, ' pass the index of that item to the .Item property.
Return CType(Me.InnerList.Item(Index), vAlarm)
End Function
Public Overloads Sub Remove(ByVal Index As Integer)
' This Remove expects an index.
Dim cust As vAlarm
cust = CType(Me.InnerList.Item(Index), vAlarm)
If Not cust Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class vEvents
' The first thing to do when building a CollectionBase ' class is to inherit from System.Collections.CollectionBase
Inherits System.Collections.CollectionBase
Public Overloads Function Add(ByVal Value As vEvent) As vEvent
' After you inherit the CollectionBase class, ' you can access an intrinsic object
' called InnerList that represents your collection. ' InnerList is of type ArrayList.
Return Value
End Function
Public Overloads Function Item(ByVal Index As Integer) As vEvent
' To retrieve an item from the InnerList, ' pass the index of that item to the .Item property.
Return CType(Me.InnerList.Item(Index), vEvent)
End Function
Public Overloads Sub Remove(ByVal Index As Integer)
' This Remove expects an index.
Dim cust As vEvent
cust = CType(Me.InnerList.Item(Index), vEvent)
If Not cust Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Class


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